Author Archives: roberto_3568

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Mediterranean diet


The Mediterranean diet is a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the table, including crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation and, particularly, consumption of food. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a nutritional model remained constant over time and space, consisting mainly of olive oil, cereals, fruit fresh or…

Monte Etna

Mont Etna

© Ente Parco Etna, Author: Ente Parco Etna Anno di iscrizione nella World Heritage List: 2013 Ubicazione: Etna – Sicilia N374522 E145948 Documento Unesco: ICOMOS N 14 Area del sito: 19237 ettari Buffer zone: 26220 ettari Mount Etna is an iconic site encompassing 19,237 uninhabited hectares on the highest part of Mount Etna, on the…

Villa Romana del Casale


© UNESCO, Author: Francesco Bandarin Anno di iscrizione nella World Heritage List: 1997 Ubicazione: Piazza Armerina (EN) – Sicilia N372157.996 E14203.012 Documento Unesco: ICOMOS N° 832 Area del sito: 8,92 ettari Buffer zone: 1997 ettari Roman exploitation of the countryside is symbolized by the Villa Romana del Casale (in Sicily), the centre of the large…

Isole Eolie


Anno di iscrizione nella World Heritage List: 2000 Ubicazione: Mar Mediterraneo Isole Eolie (EN) – Sicilia N382916.3 E145644.1 Documento Unesco: ICOMOS N. 908 Area del sito: 1216 ettari The Aeolian Islands provide an outstanding record of volcanic island-building and destruction, and ongoing volcanic phenomena. Studied since at least the 18th century, the islands have provided…